5 Importance of Packaging


In today World Packaging plays a very important role. It is all over. It goes ahead with what we eat, wear, and use in our regular daily existences. A Good Packaging consists of a clear brand message and an attractive design of packaging as this both come together it catches consumer’s eye and provides relevant information that why a consumer should purchase this product. Your Packaging Design will decide whether that Consumer purchases your item or whether they proceed onward and search for something unique.

1) It Differentiates Your Brand From Others- There are a large number of items available in the market and which are competing for your Product. To succeed, your Packaging needs to stand out and appear to be unique from your rivals.

2) Acts as a Promotional Tool- A good packaging can increase the sales of the product more easily and quickly as it works as a promotional tool. A good Packaging does self-advertising and acts as an advertising medium.

3) Creation of Demand- A Good packaging plays a very important role in the creation of demand of that product by attracting the consumers. The consumer becomes known about the product through advertising and with attractive Packaging and hence this leads to increase in demand.

4)Protecting of Product- Along with the increase in sale, A good packaging also helps to protect Goods from heat, Light, dust, moisture, evaporation etc. During its long journey from factory to Market and then to its target audience. It protects products from leakage spoilage, breakage etc.

5) Packaging Creates Brand Recognition- Good packaging creates a good brand recognition in the market which is the ability of consumers to confirm that they have a special bond or connection to a particular brand. The brand recognition reflects the ability of consumers to name a particular brand.

The Indian market has been rapidly changing during the last ten years so to get entered in the competition the players have upgraded the marketing standards. This had lead to the strong change in the packaging scene in India and their packaging revolution. There is a great level of change in the product packaging.

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